Virtual Human Character based on Daz's Victoria 4
Full morphable.

This is a complete new version of WG set for Victoria 4.
This version has new vagina, new anus new props, new morphs, and new poses.
With a single WG product you get all Daz's classic characters and morph:
Stephanie, Aiko, The Girl, She Freak, Morphs++, Elite, Muscle.
That way you can conform WG 4 RS3 to many existing characters.
Additionally to the genital ones, two new props have been inserted
in the character (Cr2): the Pee prop and the Pubic Hair Prop,
both fully morphables.
This props can be hidden and modify by poses, materials 
and morphs included in the product

This product is also compatible with Perfect Fix series by Xameva

compatible with Daz's Morphs
WG - Injection pose for each type of Daz's Morph



The Girl




She Freak





Available also the the removal pose

The product has two different types of Full body morphs
Some morphs conform the genitalia to the Daz's characters
As example: Stephanie, aiko etc.
Other morphs change the genitalia aspect,
in harmony with the other character groups,
these Morphs are named: V-Morphs

Each prop also has a lot of morphs named: Single Morphs
The single morphs change the aspect only of the single prop

This product, besides containing in himself different characters,
also allows you an infinity of combinations to get the pose that you want.

This product has been tested only in DAZ Studio 4.
Not tested with preceding versions od Daz Studio